Getting your cambelt changed

Most cars have a cam belt, although some do not and some have a chain instead of a rubber belt. If your car has a rubber cam belt then it is advised that you change it every 60,000 miles or when the car reaches 7 years old. When buying a second hand car, many garages […]

Obtaining insurance quotes for your car

Too many of us renew or insurance year after year without checking if the price they are offering us is competitive or if we are missing out on a better deal. There are some very useful car insurance comparison websites out there, all you have to do is enter your details in once and they […]

The Suzuki Swift

The Swift is a popular hatchback, especially among young males and it’s probably sportier now than ever before. It benefits from great fuel economy too, so it can actually be seen as a sensible purchase. You can have the vehicle fitted with the alloys of your choice and the car itself is available in red, […]

Do Modern Cars need a Space in Garage?

Many people will use garages for storage, as gyms, a utility room, and there is a large number of people who opt against storing their car in the garage. In the UK the paintwork on cars doesn’t exactly fade if it’s been left on the driveway, so is there actually a need for a garage? […]